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Early Morning and Afternoon Childcare

Please note: The prices below reflect fees for the 2024-2025 school year.


Early Morning

8am - 9am

Early Morning is available on both a regualr and drop-in basis and is open to children in our 2 year old - TK classes.  Early morning care offers free play for those who need to get to school early.  Regular sign-up is $8.00/day and drop in is $10.00/day.

Afternoon Recreation and CHildcare (ARCH)

12pm - 3pm

ARCH is available on both a regular and drop-in basis and is open to children in our 2 year old - TK classes.  The ARCH program continues with inside and outside free play, activities, and a snack.  Regular sign-up is $21.00/day and drop-in is $26.00/day.


Please get in touch with any questions. We’re always happy to help.

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